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It is common to read payload (in JSON) sent from the client using the POST or PUT method. In most cases, the POST request will send the JSON representation of a Python object that will then need to be unmarshalled to an object. This can be achieved using the entity method of the Request object passed to the function decorated with @route.

Supported types:

Type Description Example
int integer 3
float float 3.4
str string "test"
boolean boolean "true"
None NULL value NULL
datetime datetime "2019-02-01T02:03:04"
datetime with timezone datetime with timezone "2019-02-01T02:03:04-04:00"
timezone timezone "America/New_York"
date date "2019-04-02"
time time "14:03:12"
data class dataclass dictionary representing the data class
list list [1, 2, 3]
dict dictionary {"key": "value"}
namedtuple named tuple dictionary representing the named tuple


To parse datetime, date and time we rely on the library dateutil and for parsing timezone, we use the library pytz.

In addition it supports the types specified in the Python package typing:

Type Description Example
List List List, List[int], List[List[int]]
Dict Dictionary Dict[str, int], Dict[str, List[int]]
Union Union Union[int, str]
Optional Optional (Optional[int] same as Union[int, None]) Optional[int]

One can nest these structures combining them with data classes (e.g., Dict[int, Item])


We consider Item to be a data class defined as follows:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Item(object):
    name: str
    price: float

apple = Item('apple', 1.25)

Example Description
r.entity(List[Float]) Create a list of float
r.entity(MyDataClassObject) Create the data class object Item
r.entity(List[Item]) Create a list of data classes Item
r.entity(Dict[Str, Item]) Create a dictionary of Str -> Item

Optionally, one can specify a JSON path. For example if the Item is wrapped in a "data" element:

  "data": {
    "name": "pear",
    "price": 1.45

Item can be obtained using the json path $.data as follows:

r.entity(Item, '$.data')